Why is Panama a good country to find talent?
We are constantly mentioning the benefits of investing in Panama, especially when it comes to positioning your company in the region, where you can develop and expand it to other countries. One of the main reasons is that, because the economy is constantly growing, its workforce is quite strong and specialized. Today we want to deepen into the specialized talent you’ll find in the country, focused on multimodal logistics, shared services, the maritime and aviation industry and high-tech manufacturing.
According to the CIA World Factbook, in Panama there are 1,633 million economically active people. And, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Census, more than 351 thousand are specialized in services, manufacturing and transportation; more than 350 thousand in commerce and market; and more than 148 thousand in operations of fixed installations and machine assembly and operations.
And the future looks good, because 95% of the population attends school. Last year, more than 182 thousand people were studying at the universities of Panama, more than 60% a bachelor degree and 48% in other professional disciplines (graduates, masters, doctorates, among others).
In addition, the location of Panama Pacifico is excellent for attracting talent to your company, as it is located a few minutes from the West, Center and East of Panama City. This is ideal for people from all sides of the city who are interested in working on the project, especially for its facilities, transportation and the growth of their professional career.
In addition, 13 kilometers away is the city center, with more than 130 thousand people working or looking for employment. To 16 kilometers is Panama East with more than 140 thousand. And finally, 18 kilometers away is Panama West with more than 255 thousand people.
So, what are you waiting to invest in Panama Pacifico? Here, you’ll find the best talent that will help you develop your company. And where you can also help them grow! Thanks to its specialized training centers and alliances with institutions on site.
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World Factbook
INEC Panamá