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Green area Panama Pacifico

Why do we have preservation areas in Panama Pacifico?

Panama Pacifico was developed to be a platform that encourages creation, innovation and growth. And although we often refer a lot to the planned industrial spaces, we also have a large area for preservation that covers more than 40% of the Master Plan.

Of the 1,400 hectares that Panama Pacifico has, 800 are destined for mixed development and 600 for green areas. That way, we regulate the exploitation of natural resources to ensure the conservation of biodiversity, as well as recreational and sport spaces. Likewise, it allows us to face climate change and promote sustainable development in Panama, one of the countries that have decided to prioritize these goals.

On the other hand, there are also social benefits of having green areas within the project. They help improve the well-being of the population and promote respect for nature. This means that by conserving natural landscapes and recreational areas for the enjoyment of residents and collaborators at Panama Pacifico, we are also able to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of the planet.

In addition, the benefits that nature has for health are notorious, both physically and mentally. Some of them are:

  • Stress reduction
  • Decrease cortisol levels during the day
  • Decrease symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Decrease in cardiovascular diseases
  • Immune system improvement
  • Increases the need to do physical activities
  • Improves brain performance and concentration
  • Fights depression and anxiety
  • Extends life

Panama Pacifico has extensive green areas of preservation that complements the commercial and residential development, so that all people can enjoy their beauty and tranquility from any space. These include parks, forests, trails, bike paths surrounded by nature and more, which are perfect scenarios for fun, relaxation, inspiration and community life.

Meet our project!
[email protected] 


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