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Administration at Panama Pacifico

What is Panama Pacifico’s One-Stop-Shop?

Panama Pacifico has so many incentives for those who decide to operate in the project, that it even facilitates the administration to the company. Yes! As you read it: we have a unique service that will not only significantly reduce the administrative burden of your business, but also your time and money!

This service is the One-Stop-Shop: an Integrated Procedures System that manages all the permits and requirements that companies established (or in the process of establishing) at Panama Pacifico need to operate.

This One-Stop Shop brings together more than 18 government offices that offer a variety of on-site services:

  1. National Migration Service
  2. Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel)
  3. National Customs Authority
  4. Social Security Fund (CSS)
  5. Municipality of Arraiján
  6. Ministry of Environment
  7. Arraiján Fire Department
  8. Ministry of Housing and Land Management (MIVIOT)
  9. Ministry of Health (MINSA)
  10. Panamanian Food Safety Authority (AUPSA)
  11. Transit and Land Transportation Authorities (ATTT)
  12. Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA)
  13. Ministry of Public Works (MOP
  14. Institute of National Aqueducts and Sewers (IDAAN)
  15. Civil Aviation Authority
  16. General Directorate of Revenue (DGI)
  17. Natural Gas Fenosa
  18. Public Registry Office 

And the biggest advantage of the One-Stop-Shop is that it allows you to finish several processes quickly by being in the same location and by offering exclusive services for companies established in the area. Additionally, the National Customs Authority works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and expedited visas.

Are you interested? Do you have more questions about how this Integrated Procedures System can benefit you? Do not hesitate to contact us! 

[email protected]

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