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Attraction Corporate Talent

What attracts talent in a company?

The fuel of any company is its talent. That is why everyone constantly strive to acquire the best, since doing so will allow them to exceed expectations in terms of productivity and competitiveness. And only people who have the necessary physical, intellectual and interpersonal skills can form that work team.

But what factors are necessary in the company to attract talent? What is the secret to be the company in which many wishes to work? And, most importantly, how to retain them to avoid the constant change of personnel, which hinders the progress of the projects?

Working conditions

A person spends, on average, 40 hours a week at their workplace. So, it is important that the space where they perform their activities is comfortable and enjoyable. Also, that the facilities and equipment are in good condition. And that the remuneration covers their basic needs and occupational safety: a fair salary, coverage in health and social security, the opportunity for growth and training of a career, among others.

Values ​​and culture

People enjoy a job more when they share the values, objectives and culture of the company. This means that, in addition to agreeing with what it seeks, they see a high commitment to achieve it; as well as a coherence between the behaviors of all involved. Those are elements that greatly influence the pride of working there.

Financial health

For an employee, it is important that the company knows how to manage their money and has an ambitious vision. This, because there are more and more frequent cases of economic crisis or bankruptcy, and they need to make sure they are in a safe and secure environment that will not falter in the face of any adversity.

Good working environment

A good work environment always helps to attract talent, as it informs them that the team is united, open and enjoyable. In this way, work activities are carried out with pleasure day by day and the level of productivity remains high. In addition, if this is added to the recognition of the achievements and informal coexistence of the team, then abandonment is largely avoided.

In addition to this, Panama Pacifico also helps companies attract talent thanks to its location and the community it has. Its facilities, common areas, transportation services (public and private) and other amenities that facilitate your day to day are important benefits that employees enjoy and that makes them want to work here.

If you are interested in bringing your company to one of the largest mixed developments in the world, contact us! Send us an email to [email protected] 


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