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Effective communication with employees

Tips to communicate better with your employees

Many experts say that the key to success in any company is communication with employees, especially because, when effective, it helps to retain employees and increase their productivity. In addition, it can make a harmonious environment predominate where everyone can communicate in the best way, thus avoiding confusion, misunderstandings, assumptions, rumors and the misuse of communication channels that distort messages.

And as a large percentage of this effectiveness in the communication process falls in the leader, we present some key questions that you should ask yourself and that can help you communicate effectively with any team.

  • What is the current situation?

Observe and identify the communication processes between employees and the way they address to you. Many times, they do not communicate with ease and comfort because they feel a bad attitude that drives them away from managers.

  • How is the group?

Analyze the differences between members, both geographical, cultural and personal. These components are important to know how communication unfolds.

  • How much are you willing to listen?

Employees have a lot of interesting information, but to avoid being ignored they prefer to remain silent. As a boss, you should be free from prejudices and be willing to listen to the information that employees want to give.

  • At what level is your interest?

Workers should sense that you are really interested in listening to them: take notes, give suggestions, ask questions and focus on the details. Also, do not interrupt them to maintain their motivation to express themselves.

  • Are you calmed?

Take care of your body’s gestures and don’t get upset when you hear things that seem inconsistent to you. Look at your employee in the eyes, avoid distractions and preferably keep your arms extended to convey comfort.

  • Are you using the right channel?

Finally, establish the communication channel that is most effective among the team. This will prevent the message from reaching all employees or, worse, that it arrives in the wrong way.

By asking yourself these questions daily you can not only improve communication with employees and motivate them to express themselves more, but also create an environment of trust that makes the goals of the entire team very clear. So, start listening today and establish the method and style of communication that will benefit your team the most. This will guarantee the level of productivity your company needs!

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