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Descanso, Empleados, Breaks, Áreas verdes, Beneficios, Trabajo, Panamá Pacífico, Hectáreas

These are the benefits of taking breaks in green areas

Each day that passes, it has become more essential to have green areas, especially for recreation. Not only because of the new needs created by the pandemic, but because of the true psychological impact they have in our lives. In addition to this, taking breaks in green areas is important to create healthy work environments.

In this blog, we will tell you some of the benefits of taking breaks from your work in green areas, just like the ones that Panama Pacifico has.

Physical health benefits

Perhaps the most tangible benefit of using green areas for recreation is to physical health. Most jobs involve being static in an area or in a chair for many hours constantly. Going out, walking and breathing fresh air is so important to improve blood circulation, in addition to reducing low back problems, caused mainly by the constant use of the chair.

Mental health benefits

According to a study from the University of Michigan, interacting with nature can have effects similar to meditation. Thanks to the disconnection of technological elements, and the connection with green areas, studies showed an increase in their short-term memory by 20%. This type of benefits can be reflected in better performance in the workspaces and an increase in attention span.

Social benefits

Meetings in green areas can be one of the best methods for creating business ties, as well as closing a sale. In addition to this, having green areas near work areas allows the creation of dynamics among office colleagues, from using them for social events (holidays, birthdays or celebrations in general) to staff integration events and / or workshops.

For these needs and more, Panama Pacifico has 600 hectares of green areas so that you and the people around you can have a healthy lifestyle, including your work life. Know us!


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