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Simple actions to become a more sustainable company

Today, sustainability in companies must be a priority for entrepreneurs. Not only because it helps improve the reputation of the corporation, but also reduce the daily costs. How? By having awareness of the amount of resources consumed and the identification of those aspects where there are inefficiencies. All, in order to reduce the waste generated. But the total commitment of the employees is needed.

Here are some simple actions to take to promote environmental care in the day to day of the organization and, most importantly, to motivate everyone to do so.

  • Decrease power consumption

This action must be a priority and is the simplest, since it involves making the habit of turning off the equipment when not in use, turning off the light when it is no longer necessary, disconnecting the devices that are not being used and adjusting the temperature according to the weather conditions.

  • Efficient resources

The first action in any company should be to reduce the use of paper, as it is still the most used material, even though technology has allowed printing to become less necessary. You can also choose rechargeable batteries, use recycled materials and opt for ecological products for the bathroom and for cleaning. And for the rest of the waste, organize an efficient system to separate the garbage and recycle as many materials as possible.

  • Replace the equipment

The technological advance has allowed the development of devices that consume energy efficiently and responsibly. In addition, the old are obsolete and expensive. That is why a good long-term investment is to upgrade computers, air conditioning and printers whenever possible, taking those that are no longer used to a recycling center.

  • Select the right suppliers

Within the company, you must promote the hiring of suppliers with environmental commitment. And, most importantly, give priority to the locals who are closer. Thus, you reduce the need for long distance transportation.

  • Promote sustainable transport

Inform employees about the different options to get to work while reducing their environmental footprint, such as public transport, walking, biking or carpooling. In Panama Pacifico, this is even easier thanks to its transport and mobility system that connects the entire project with other urban areas.

  • Encourage correct behaviors

Sustainable practices should not be a burden for employees. On the contrary, they must be done with enthusiasm and ease. And this can be achieved by informing all the benefits that these actions can bring in their life, promoting working in teams, creating promotional campaigns that reward sustainable actions and training them constantly to create a sustainable culture.

  • Choose sustainable buildings

Finally, for those companies that want to acquire a greater commitment to the environment, they can opt for a building that has been designed and built in a sustainable manner, such as the Building 3855 with LEED certification of Panama Pacifico. It uses solar panels to reduce energy consumption by 20%, takes advantage of natural lighting in the building, uses water efficiently and has recycling areas, which translates into the well-being of workers.

Are you interested in taking your corporation’s commitment to the next level? It is time, the planet needs it! Contact us today and encourage this behavior in all your employees and even in their life outside of work.

Smart Energy
Green Globe

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