Maximize your meetings with these tips
Did you know? According to a study by Atlassian about work meetings, 91% of employees are distracted during a meeting, 73% do other things and 47% complain that they are a waste of time. But, although many do not enjoy them, there’s no denying that they are necessary for any company.
However, the key is knowing how to make the most of every minute of the work meetings that are being held every day or week. Not only to avoid spending more time than necessary in meetings, but to achieve the goals that will lead to the satisfaction of all participants.
Here are the most important steps to achieve it.
- Planning
The first phase is to set goals for the meeting. Make an agenda and stick to it to avoid distractions. Also, choose the attendees well, because you lose productivity when you include those who will not have a relevant participation.
Then, set date, time and place. Be punctual and respect what you established. Never allow it to exceed 2 hours. And finally, before the meeting, send information so that everyone is prepared on the subject to be discussed.
- Execution
At the time of the meeting, present clearly and concisely. Then, settle responsibilities and commitments that must be fulfilled for each member. Be sure to create a space for feedback, to find out if everyone got the information right, if an additional explanation is needed or if there is a suggestion to improve something.
And finally, don’t forget to send a list with the most important points. That way, everyone will be aware of what was seen (even those that were not present, if you wish) and everything is written officially.
- Tracking progress
Finally, true productivity happens when you evaluate after the meeting. You should verify that what was agreed in the meeting is carried out and what were its results. If not, identify what you should modify.
These three simple steps (yes, only three!) are the only ones necessary to make a meeting extremely productive. The key is to know what you are going to see and with whom you are going to see it. And of course, we also recommend before any meeting to ask yourself “Can this be said by email or phone?”, “Is it time to propose new things or are we just finishing doing what was agreed at the last meeting?”. Then, you will be able to realize what is necessary and let others value the importance of gathering to solve certain issues.
Do you have any other advice to take advantage of the meetings?