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Panama Pacifico offers talent development

Learn how Panama Pacifico is constantly developing talent

In Panama Pacifico we have geographical advantages and benefits that we have developed hand in hand with the Panamanian State to provide your company an ecosystem prepared for its growth. Among them is the support to recruit and develop human capital, which we know has a very important role in the operation of any business.

Having highly trained talent in your company will help you expand your horizons, save time and money and maintain an environment of well-being and effectiveness within your activities. And for that, we have the National Institute for Vocational Training and Human Development (INADEH, for the acronym in Spanish) on site, which has worked hand in hand with the master developer since 2012. Within its facilities, the area’s collaborators also have a Simulation Center for Port Equipment, where they can be certified in handling port equipment internationally.

In addition to these, the alliance also covers training in logistics, mechatronics, welding, security, languages, Excel, first aid, among others. As proof of this, several leaders of multinational companies have said that the Panamanian workforce has one of the most advanced commercial knowledge platforms in the Latin American region, which facilitates its formation.

These trainings allow employees to keep up to date on technological issues and new processes, which translates into productivity and innovation within the companies established in Panama Pacifico. Because, with a large and modern infrastructure, human capital that is expert in its operation and maintenance is needed.

The growth of companies in Panama Pacifico becomes more and more noticeable every day. The combination of logistical, governmental and human capital advantages provide an ecosystem where your company can reach its maximum development. So, are you interested in being part of the Panama Pacific Special Economic Area? Contact us and a corporate specialist will explain in detail all the advantages we have for your company.

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